Locus Resources for Innovation

We’ve picked up some skills in our 18 years of doing research, uncovering insights, and working (and playing) hard. And you know what? We are willing to share our discoveries.


This is where you really get to pick our brains and gain insight into the way we work. From food to medical, textiles to hair care, we have dabbled in many product realms, and with every new medium, we have gained new insights. Through our resource library, we will arm you with the tools, methods, and strategies to take on the beast that is innovation. So dive in and get inspired!


We are happy to share our knowledge with those who ask for it. If you would like us to come to your company or event to present any of the above resources, simply get in touch.

Identifying Winning Products

Developing products is hard. This resource sets out a practical approach to identifying and developing winning products and helps you discover how you can focus on your team to get the best result.

Generating insights

Research is a risk management tool and the biggest driver of insight and breakthrough solutions. The challenge many people face is doing it in a way that retains creativity and objectivity.

Managing Innovation

Like any activity within a business, your product development and innovation activity should deliver on your strategy and goals. We offer an approach to plan, manage, and execute to improve results.

Designing for Sustainability

Sustainable design is increasingly important to reduce waste and our footprint. In 2010, we partnered with the Designer’s Institute to gather thoughts from NZ’s most sustainably-minded companies and individuals.y.

Avoiding Failure in Design

Failure Mode Avoidance processes reduce failures and R&D costs whilst improving product quality. Find out how to apply these processes to product development for an outcome that’s right the first time.

Building Blocks of a Sustainable Design Project

This step-by-step guide will help designers and their clients with the uptake of sustainable design in commercial practice. Watch this space!

Sharing knowledge

The Locus team is highly skilled in the research and innovation process, as well as building your business towards success. We are happy to share our knowledge with those who ask for it.

If you would like us to come to your company or event to present any of the above resources, simply contact us. We look forward to collaborating with you!

In the meantime, feel free to sign up for our newsletter to getthe scoop on our latest news, blog articles, and insights.


Interested and want to know more?
We’d love to speak with you.

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Tauranga Studio

+64 7 577 1650

Ground Floor Rydal House
29 Grey Street
