Nick Eaton

Product Designer
+64 7 577 1650

With a strong interest in design from early years, Nick approaches product design with a meticulous eye for detail and a knack for organisation of people and ideas.

Nick brings his broad exposure and involvement across a multitude of projects to the Locus team. A Tauranga native, Nick pursued a degree in Industrial Design from Massey University in Auckland. He received a Gold DINZ Best Design Award for his final project, duoTrek, a snowboarding and mountaineering crossover boot.

After graduating with first class honours, he began his career in Queenstown, working on national and international projects, developing a range of products from start-up ideas, adventure sport and mainstream sports equipment, to smart and industrial sensing, and home heating systems.

Here, he was also lucky enough to fuel his thirst for adventure sports.

Seeking travel and adventure after two years in the South Island, he moved to London. Nick worked on a diverse range of projects there as well, from high-end consumer goods to aircraft interiors, train interiors and airport fit outs, collecting a few stamps in his passport along the way.

Linking up with Locus during the early years of study, Nick did a stint of work on the Delloch Hip Protection during a summer break. He has kept a connection to Tim and the evolving Locus team ever since. A Kiwi at heart, Nick returned home after 4 years abroad to start a Biotech company with 3 other founders and join the Locus team once more.

Typically found snowboarding in winter or behind a boat wakeboarding in summer, he also loves jumping on a mountain bike and would never turn down a gin and tonic.


Product Design and Development
Programme Direction
Prototyping, and Testing
User and Market Research


Has a soft spot for gin

Can backflip a wakeboard (sometimes)

Plays squash


Is a 32nd Maori descendant.

Likes boards and wheels (snowboarding and wakeboarding, mountain biking and cars).

Considers himself an extroverted introvert.