• Simon Crane

Simon Crane

Product Designer

+64 7 577 1650

With a passion for collaborating with end users, Simon focuses on understanding people’s motivations, emotions and interactions to deliver awesome products and experiences.

Joining the Locus team in 2013, Simon is involved in all areas of the product development process. From validating ideas and opportunities through to concept design, testing and managing manufacture.

Simon applies his human centered design approach to the huge range of projects that come through the door. From primary industry systems, medical devices to consumer products and marine craft, every day is different in the Locus studio

Simon earned a Bachelor of Design Innovation from the Victoria University of Wellington, majoring in Industrial Design focusing on multi-material 3D printing and prosthetics. He has also studied abroad at the Technical University of Eindhoven in the Netherlands, where he worked alongside the National Dutch Swimming Team developing a new ECG measurement system for top tier swimmers.

Along with getting stuck into concept designs and development, Simon also leads ethnographic and empathy research at Locus. Uncovering peoples wants and needs in everyday life and transforming them into insights is essential to product development, and helps the team create meaningful products for end users.

Whether its mocking up cardboard prototype, filling a project room with concept sketches or creating manufacturing drawings Simon brings an exploratory design approach and always makes sure the work going out the Locus door looks damn good and is backed up with sound research.

If he’s not busy drawing all over his notebook (or someone else’s without noticing… sorry Tim), you can probably find him in the back of a smoke-filled bar, jamming away on his saxophone in some sort of jazz-afro-classical band.


Product Design
Concept sketching and Product Rendering
Prototyping, Testing and Validation
Empathy and Observational Research
Design for Manufacturing


An amazingly photogenic food eater

The Locus test dummy for any dangerous product trials

Started his illustrious drawing career with a folder of concept Star Wars vehicles


Struggled his way to Mt Everest Base Camp

Moonlights on the Baritone Saxophone

Has a strong commitment to wearing a Hawaiian shirt every Friday